When I launched The Way Council, I envisioned a ministry that takes action to have real-world impact. Our mission is to share the good news of the Messiah, advance Messianic Torah observance, and grow the Messianic faith movement. We are motivated to do good works and to inspire others in the Messianic / Torah observant movement toward good works, in accordance with the words of the Messiah and His apostles (e.g., see Matt. 5:14-16; Matt. 25:40; Gal. 6:9-10; Eph. 2:10; 1 Tim. 6:17-18; Heb. 10:24; Jas. 2:14-17).
There are many ways to serve and to help our brothers and sisters in the faith. When I see opportunities from others within our community, I will continue to share them. And though this is a new ministry, I want us to not delay in doing good works. Elohim has presented such an opportunity now to help our Messianic Torah observant brothers and sisters in Pakistan. House of Hope is a ministry that spreads the Word and disciples the faithful in their community in the ways of the Messiah and the Torah. They are asking for a donation to provide 50 audio bibles to their local community to support their efforts.
I have created an online fundraiser to provide them with the funds they need for this effort. This is a great opportunity for us to pull together as a community and do a good work for others in our community. During this season of counting the omer between Firstfruits and Shavuot, it is commonly practiced to donate to a worthy cause. I am strongly urging you, my brothers and sisters, during this season to please donate to House of Hope and be a part of spreading the Word to those desperately in need. Please see the link at the top or bottom of this post to access the fundraiser and read the full details, including a letter from the man who runs House of Hope. It is a relatively small goal and I pray that we are able to meet it.
Thank you, and be blessed in Yeshua’s name~
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