The Way Council

(on Messiah and Torah)

Sharing the Good News of the Messiah,

Advancing Messianic Torah Observance,

and Growing the Messianic Faith Movement

We are showing people The Way

The Way Council is a community of ministries and kedoshim (set-apart ones) who are passionate about bringing Messiah and Torah to the world.

How to navigate this website to find out what we are all about:


Read about us, including our Mission and Vision Statements, as well as meet the team.


Learn about what we are doing, including our Action Plan to accomplish the mission and realize the vision.


Find out how you can join or support us by becoming a Council Member, Ministry Member, or Sponsor.

“For the Torah will go forth from Zion, and the word of Adonai from Jerusalem.”

Micah 4:2b

Tree of Life Version (TLV)